Ngaa Whaainga me ngaa Uara / Our Goals & Values

TE PUUTAKE : Our Purpose
Our purpose is to produce students who are knowledgeable and proud of their Waikato Tainui identity and who are appropriately prepared to contribute and participate as national and global citizens.
NGAA MATAAPONO : Our Principles
The learning and teaching environment that Te Wharekura o Rakaumanga provides is a Tainui initiative in support of the Crown’s commitment to equitable educational outcomes for Maori. The programme is a genuine schooling option for all New Zealanders within the stated goals of government policy.
Te Runanga o Te Wharekura o Rakaumanga and our Wharekura whanau will ensure that all children are provided with an education which respects their Tino Rangatiratanga (dignity, rights, and uniqueness as Waikato Tainui); which excites them to reach their full potential and achieve their personal standards of excellence. All school activities will be designed to advance these purposes.
To maintain Te Wharekura o Rakaumanga as a learning and teaching environment that:
- Upholds and supports Kiingitanga.
- Ensures all school activities are consistent with the tribe’s aspirational goals and objectives.
- Affirms parent, community and tribal custodianship of Rakaumanga.
- Provides teaching and learning environments which encourage students to strive for excellence.
- Enables students to broaden their intellectual, social, cultural, physical and spiritual skills and knowledge to succeed in later life experiences.
NGAA UARA : Our Values
Underpinned by the unifying Principles of Kiingitanga.
- Whakaiti — Humility
- Whakapono — Faith and Trust
- Aroha — Love and Respect
- Maungarongo — Peace
- Manaakitanga — Caring
- Kotahitanga — Unity